Published: 2014/10/10 15:25
On 9 October 2014, the first of four training modules "Learning for Change", entitled "Introduction to the Management and Administration of the Organization" was organized in Slavonski Brod.
Education was held by the Volunteer Center Osijek (VCO) under the Program of Regional Development of civil society and local communities - Salter, and it has targeted non-profit organizations (NPO) that wish to invest in their development.
Education is designed as a set of four educational modules in the field of management and administration of organization in duration of four days (each module last one day), and will be held in the period from October 2014 to January 2015 in Slavonski Brod.
The aim of education is to enhance the knowledge and skills on NPO’s management, joint research of the best strategies of management and administration through discussion on the importance of strengthening the organizational capacities, and the exchange on efficient models of facing with the various challenges of organizational development and the impact which achieves in the community.