Invitation to a Regional Conference of Civil Society Organizations in Slavonia and Baranja

Gužva na šalteru

Gužva na šalteru

Invitation to a Regional Conference of Civil Society Organizations in Slavonia and Baranja „New opportunities“

„New opportunities“
11 November 2014
10:00 – 16:00
Hotel Osijek
Samacka 4, Osijek

This is time of numerous changes and challenges for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The new Law on CSOs has been adopted. This has opened new financing programs and has created conditions for the stronger development of social entrepreneurship and questions the problems organizations face on a daily basis. We have devoted this year’s regional conference to these topics. This will show civil society the best way to ensure space for dialogue between the institutions and CSOs.

New programs and research results on socio-economic effects of support the National Foundation for Development of Civil Society will be presented at the conference. The European Social Fund (ESF), offers opportunities that shows the Strategy of development of social entrepreneurship, new Law on NGO’s, and priorities and plans of the Council for CSO’s development. Representatives of CSOs, Ministry of Labour and Pension System, Office for NGOs, National Foundation for Development of Civil Societies  will participate at the conference.

In order to enable participation at the conference from different parts of Slavonia and Baranja we are ready to ensure transport from the larger county towns, and transport possibilities to Osijek. We request you to indicate on your application forms whether you are interested in the transport organized by Volunteer Center Osijek (VCO). In line with the expressed demand and our limited resources we will strive to provide transportation for as many organizations as possible and will inform you in respect of the arrangements

Entry form for the conference are here and on the SALTER web page You can send it to e-mail or fax 031 200 457. Deadline for submission is 03 November 2014.

The conference is organized through SALTER Programme that in the partnerships implement VCO as regional support centre and county collaborative organizations PRONI Center for social education – Sub-office Vukovar, CSO Oppidum from Pleternica and Information Legal Centre from Slavonski Brod. The Programme has been implemented based on the partnership co-operation and with financial support of the National Foundation for Development of Civil Society.