Published: 2014/28/03 12:19
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Information Legal Centre organized a meeting with Brod-Posavina county NGO’s on 28 March 2014 in order to exchange experiences and to find a common solution for successful future joint actions.
23 NGO representatives from Slavonski Brod participated at the meeting. IPC presented to them activities which are being implemented through the Program of regional development – SALTER, as well as our results achieved in 2013.
Also, a public debate planned for May 2014 was announced during the meeting. Representatives of the City and the County, along with local NGOs will be invitied to the public debate with the topic: Developing various forms of social enterprise and self-financing in the framework of the National Strategy for the Development of social enterprise (2014 - 2020).
Proposal for the establishment of NGO's Council was unanimously adopted, body that will strengthen the role of local civil society in front of of local authorities. At the same time, working body that will carry out preparatory work for the establishment of the NGO council was founded.
IPC informed participants about the registers which NGO’s are obliged to carry out, in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection - a record of the personal data that NGO is required to submit to the Agency for the Protection of Personal Data. Additionally, IPC provided information of future calls for proposals, and finally, announced the information of Croatian quality assurance system for 2015. Implementation of quality assurance system is very important for each NGO, as one of the benefits will be scoring their quality, which will be an advantage when applying for different grants.