Published: 2014/27/03 12:17
IPC employees participated at the NGO stakeholder meeting on the occasion of the establishment of EEA and Norway grants NGO programme in Croatia which was held on 27 March 2014 in Zagreb and hosted by the Norwegian Embassy and the National foundation for civil society development.
The financial mechanism are funds contributed by Norway, together with Iceland and Liectenstein, to reduce social and economic disparities in Europe and to strengthen bilateral relations between the beneficiary and the donor states. Through the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement member states share common values and responsibility with other European countries to promote equality of opportunity, tolerance, security, environmental sustainability and a decent standard of living for all.
The signing of the EEA agreement with Croatia is expected in late April 2014, which opens way towards financing project activities protecting and promoting values of the Agreement. The purpose of this meeting was the presentation of future donations and open discussion with NGO representatives of the needs of civil society which require financial support.