Published: 2014/12/03 12:03
zaklada slagalica, 09.2014.
Community Foundation Slagalica from Osijek was founded in 2007 by Centre for Peace, Nonviolence and Human Rights and Organisation for Civil Initiatives from Osijek.
In order to fulfil its main purpose, Slagalica’s mission is to encourage local philanthropy, develop sustainable funds, provide financial supports and encourage corporate social responsibility.
Accordingly, as implementing body of the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports for the implementation of decentralized tenders, Foundation organized a presentation of the tender for the allocation of financial support to NGOs that are program oriented for working with children and / or youth promoting and developing volunteerism, as well as NGOs active in the field of child protection and family support.
Presentation of tenders was held on 11 March 2014 in the County Hall to associations as potential applicants in order to inform them about the rules of the contest and the required documentation for tenders:
a) Competition for NGOs operating in the field of reducing violence against and among children and youth in priority areas:
• Prevention of violence against children and young people - the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth
• Prevention of peer violence among children and youth - the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports Association in accordance with this call, can apply for a grant
b) Competition for funding programs of local volunteer centers (announcement in March 2014 )
c) Call for projects focused on supporting families and promoting and protecting children's rights (publication in March 2014)
Presentation of tenders was organized in cooperation with Volunteer Centre Osijek and Information Legal Center from Slavonski Brod which are implementing Program “Salter”, Program of regional development for civil society and local communities.
On that occasion, Executive director of Information Legal Centre presented various forms of support that are provided through the Program Salter, and results that have been achieved in 2013.