Published: 2016/21/12 08:58
As part of the project "Civil society for accountable governance" promotional posters were created to emphasize the importance of equality, good governance and non – discrimination.
Good governance and human rights protection are inseparable because principles of non – discrimination and equality represent a set of values by which political figures must be guided and which serve as a set of efficiency standards of political institutions and represent universal human rights protected by a series of international and national documents. The principles of human rights protection, especially protection from discrimination, have to be contained within the legal framework, policies, programs and other measures. Without good governance content of political decisions can not be implemented in an appropriate manner.
The project is financed by the European Union assistance from the IPA 2011 “Reinforcing Support of CSOs’ in Enhancing Transparency and Good Governance in Croatian Public Administration”and co – financed by the Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Croatian Government.
Promotional posters can be downloaded here: