Published: 2016/02/05 09:03
The third workshop for the Councils of National Minorities entitled "Constitutional Law on National Minorities" was held on 28 April 2016.
The workshop was held in the Great Hall of Brod – Posavina County and was attended by 5 members of the Council of Serbian and 9 members of the Council of the Roma minority.
In the beginning of the presentation, professor Lauc introduced to participants international regulations in force, relating to the protection of human rights and minority rights. He pointed out that minorities must be protected in the country in which they live and that they must be able to integrate, rather than assimilate into society. There are different laws, declarations and conventions in force with the purpose of protection of human rights and rights of national minorities. However, although the regulations exist, certain violations of these rights occur in practice.
Prof. Lauc informed the participants about institutions that monitor human rights and minority rights, and continued that if a person, association, council, etc., believe that their individual rights have been violated, they should react. Furthermore, state and local authorities must take account of the national minorities living on their territory and respect their opinions in cases when preparing laws that address national minorities issues. Prof. Lauc presented to participants the Constitutional Law on National Minorities which is in force in Croatia, emphasizing the importance and significance of the Law by explaining each provision in detail.
Members of national minorities who participated in the workshop sought advice and help from prof. Lauc regarding the functioning of the councils of national minorities, the exercise of rights to media representation, employment of members of national minorities, etc.
The workshop for the Council of National Minorities Brod – Posavina County and the City of Slavonski Brod was organized by ILC in collaboration with partners in the project - HILS from Osijek, Brod – Posavina County and the Network of Croatian Roma associations through the "Legal inclusion and sustainable integration of Roma in Croatia" project funded by the European Union under the IPA 2012 and co-financed by the Office for Cooperation with CSOs..